Sunday, February 18, 2007

Merlino is Finished

Wll today I have finished Merlino the day before our Lent. So i have decided to give him a Mardi Gras theme since it is one of my favorite themes. Taking this class has really provided some cjallenges for me as this is my first time ever sculpting hands and also my first attept at costuming on my own. It is also the first of Sherry Goshon's doll classes that i have completely finished to the end so i am happy with that progress in myself. Now I have become in love with learning how to work with gourds. i need this like a lump in the head. But one can never have too many mediums to play with. i now have a box of gourd so play with thanks to one of the ladies in Sherry's class.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Merlino has a face

Merlino finally has his face painted. Since I used prosculpt for the face and apoxie for the rest of the head finding a good paint has been a challenge. Thanks tomy dear friend doll artist Sherry Goshon i found out about Seely's. They have all sorts of great face paints and French bisque was the perfect companion to the prosculpt and I also wound up ordering a couple of other shades for future projects so I have different complexions.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Elusia is Finished

This is Elusia she is a Sea Goddess done in Paverpol. She was made with fabric that i hand dyed and is embellished with pearls and starfish, mirroed and van gogh tiles. You can't see in this picture but she is on a pedestal accented with fish net and even has a little bottle too with a treasure map. I will be teaching this class at the the Paverpol retreat this summer and you will have the choice of colors and all sorts of options to add your own creativity to this piece to express your muse.