Sabrina aka Nunz wemt over the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. Your twin sister Shayna is here as I type this blog entry. We will miss you very much amd thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given us.
You were such a trooper never showing any pain even in thend always full of love. That stubborn streak was always tehre which is why I always called you a little witch sometimes. But you were always full of love in your won special way.
LIke Grandma said she is ging to miss you sleeping with her and Grandpa is going to miss you walking with him and Shayna. It was heard for us to let you go but we did not want you to suffer and your kisses and love in the end made it a little easier to say goodbye.
You will forever live in our hearts and know that we miss you very much my little nunidoo.Till we meet again I love you!!!