Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Girl's Birthday

Yesterday was my two babies birthday. Shayna is the black one and her twin sister Sabrina is the brown one. So of course i had to get them something special so i went to the bakery and got them special treats. I was going to get them a doggie cake but found these instead as they like the yogurt icing treats. So they got peanut butter bones, liver hearts, and vanilla rings. It is so hard deciding what to get with teh varietyof stuff they have there from canollis to all sorts of cookies, to donuts. And they have carob since you cant use chocolate. I only go for special occassions like this and the holidays.

Happy 14th Birthday Shayna Maidel and Sabrina!


JudiA said...

I think perhaps you had as much fun shopping for the presents as the girls had enjoying them! I hope all 3 of you had a wonderful day.


Linda Fleming said...

What a great birthday you gave your girls! Happy birthday Shayna and Sabrina!
Linda and Isabella

Sprite said...

That is soo sweet :)

Happy Birthday Girls!!


MaryO said...

Awwww, aren't they sweet! I'm sure they enjoyed their birthday goodies. Happy birthday girls!!!!

Unknown said...

HEHEH! These girls are just precious spoiled rotten! Happy Birthday to Sabrina & Shayna.

My sister makes these baked goodies for dogs...will send you a link.
